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Saturday, 10 May 2008

You wouldn't think an empty crisp packet would have much value would you,but it was invaluable to my neighbour one night.Back in the days when carburettors were more common than fuel injection,he found out just before he was due to collect his daughter from night school,that his car wasn't running at all right.Because I was known as a Mr.Fixit (bodger) he turned up on my doorstep,panicking.Together we nailed the problem as being a split diaphragm in the Stromberg carburettor.Of course,everyone has a spare one of these in their tool kit.Don't they? No,neither did we.In a curious,and fortunate,twist of fate I'd recently read about a chap having the exact same problem on his way home at night.And how he'd cured it with a crisp packet.You can imagine the look my neighbour gave me when I asked if he had a crisp packet or cling film.Funny time for a sandwich...Still,he knew me well enough to humour me and fetched an old packet of Walkers.I fitted it in place of the knackered diaphragm and he fired up the engine,which ran beautifully,for an old vauxhall.And off he went to get his daughter.Ideally,you'd get the problem sorted soon as,but that car ran fine for about three months before he got round to it.Might be an occasional series here,you never know.