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Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Of Heralds and Blue Boys

I mentioned the Triumph Herald in the previous post and although it was regarded more as a car for the ladies,mainly because of the incredible turning circle,think London taxi,the front wheels virtually turned at right angles to the chassis.And yes, it had a separate chassis,something unheard of in this monocoque era;unless you got a Morgan or such.When I got the Herald I was inundated with dire warnings about the rear suspension.Due to its design,it was possible for either rear wheel to fold up like an aeroplane's undercarriage,depending on which side the cornering forces were at play.If you went left,then the rear right wheel would become all shy and try to hide away.And vice-versa if turning right.As you can imagine this could introduce an element of Russian roulette into your drive,because you never knew if or when a wheel would go into hiding.The answer was simple(it had to be if I'm involved) and that was to keep the power on round a bend.The Herald handled very well under those terms.In other words you drove properly,right gear,right speed for the bend.As the boys in blue say,go into a bend slow,come out fast.Go into a bend fast,don't come out.
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