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Sunday, 1 April 2007

Gee,this blog is so organised.Not..Here we are back on fuel saving tips,sorry about that if you were riveted by my ramblings about the cars in my life but I doubt if that's been happening anyway.
So here we go.I was surprised when I heard this one but apparently air conditioning can play havoc with your car's fuel consumption.All my cars have had air conditioning;well,they all had windows,generally,though I did smash a window by slamming the door too hard.What I also didn't realise when driving with the air conditioning on for the first time or so was the amazing power loss you felt when the coolant pump cut in.I thought the engine was dying on me.So remember in the middle of summer make sure you sweat and save that precious fuel.Yeah,that's what I think too.At the other end of the spectrum (the other end of the car if it comes to that) avoid using the heated rear window excessively,that pulls a drain on the car's electric system,specifically the alternator which puts a load on the engine,which of course burns more petrol or diesel.
And finally,for now,it turns out the most economical speed is 55mph or whatever that is in square kilopints,so there you have it,my permission to drive everywhere at 55mph and you can tell the nice policeman that you were only saving fuel.Good luck with that.Oh and finally,finally I saved the best economy tip of all for last.Lock the car up,leave the keys on the mantelpiece and walk.Not only does it do the environment good,it'll do you good as well.

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