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Thursday, 5 April 2007

I thought,as a slight departure,and to show I can be responsible (hey,we all have the odd lapse) we could perhaps have a quick look at the advantages of driving smart.I don't honestly believe that I'm going to tell anyone anything they don't know already.We're all professionals here,been driving years and seen it all,though personally I find most days someone finds something new to spring on me.You know what I mean.Or you should.
Even so,I guess it does no harm to refresh our memories about what can save fuel,considering how much cash goes to the Exchequer from the pumps.So,where do we start? Well,we could start by doing simple maintenance on the car,fixing the obvious before it becomes more 'interesting'.Things like changing the plugs or checking the gaps if they're still serviceable.But if they've been in the car anything like 10,000 miles change 'em.If you've got a misfire and still have plug leads that are over 18 months old it's well worth checking them or changing them.I had a Renault that started and ran brilliantly in the dry;bit of drizzle,forget it.You'd crank the engine until the battery died.Changing the spark plugs cured the problem.About two wet days.Then you're back to the embarrassingly dead car.Try putting a brave face on that when your girl's sitting there,thinking this is some base ruse of your's to have your wicked way.However,changing the plug leads (don't forget the coil to distributor lead,that needs love and understanding like the rest of us) cured the problem for good and that Renault turned out to be one of the most reliable cars I ever drove.Just a note though.Always,always work safely.Don't wear ties or at least don't let them dangle if you're going to work on a running engine;I know more than enough motorists who had close encounters of the face altering kind courtesy of their engines.
Moving swiftly on in our efforts to save fuel and stating the obvious yet again: check tyre pressures.If the tyres are soft the drag can cost you upto 8% more to go fetch granny from the chiropodists.She might appreciate the lift,you won't appreciate the waste of fuel.
We can all drive a bit smoother,a little more restrainedly but be honest,how many times have you driven calmly and sensibly for miles and just at the end of your journey some crackpot has cut you up or done something so crazy it makes your blood boil.What do you do? Change down two gears and floor the loud pedal and go after him/her? Sure you do.Why? Because it makes you feel better.You're going to right a wrong.You're reacting positively.Well,you're positively wasting all that fuel all your careful driving had saved.Better to let it go,odds are there's a speed camera on the end of the long arm of the law round the next bend;let the speed merchant run into that.Believe me ,that is so satisfying as you drive past at your legal thirty.

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