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Monday, 7 February 2011

Of Diesel and Petrol

I know it isn't a laughing matter and I'm certainly not laughing about this but I know a lot of people get it wrong sometimes and put diesel in a petrol car;I know I've nearly slipped up a couple of times over the years.And I know my brother,he of the X1/9,did precisely that years ago at an all-night garage.Guess who got the call to come sort it out?I love him really,honestly I do.Anyway,back in those days you could get away with quite a lot and the only way we could empty the tank was for me to cut the metal fuel line and let the diesel drain out,which was about as eco-friendly as the Torrey Canyon and I apologise.Having drained out the diesel I fitted a length of rubber tube and a couple of hose clips over the ends of the fuel line and we re-filled with petrol.Fingers crossed,brother started the engine which ran perfectly.And ran perfectly for all the time he had the car,a Sunbeam Rapier saloon,if I remember correctly.

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1 comment:

CGS intake said...

This information is very helpful. I too, was once confused regarding this matter. It's good that you posted this so that others can read the vital information you posted here.