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Friday, 7 January 2011

Well,now it's time for a little rant.Just a leetle one.Just realised (alright I googled it) but we've had the infernal combustion engine with us for around 130 years,seems a lot longer;must have spent at least that long at the kerb side with various cars.Anyway,that's not the gripe.No,the gripe is that,apart from tweaking the car engine the actual principles behind how it works haven't changed in all that time,it's the same mousetrap.Nobody has invented a better one.Maybe it's time for a radical re-think about how we move ourselves around this planet;we really can't keep sucking the guts out of this real estate and shove it in our tanks to burn at around 20 percent efficiency;if your dishwasher was only 20 percent efficient you'd soon complain,providing the salmonella hadn't done for you.But we'll happily pour the juice in our fuel tanks and blast around the countryside,"yes,she's going well,really sweet,you can hardly hear the engine".Trouble is,that 'efficient' engine isn't and that spells trouble for you and me and every other tenant on this rock.Look,this isn't a particularly green rant,I'm just teed off that we haven't moved on from destroying things to be mobile.Even Mr.Electric car gets his power by destroying something.There really has to be something totally different,not dependent on burning something,though it'll have to be better minds than mine that think of it;I kind of stop at nuclear power and that in a car sort of worries me.Imagine all those mobile atom bombs,er,no I'd rather not,thanks.So over to you boffin types,make it soon eh?

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