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Sunday 23 January 2011

Of Train and Rain

The ride on the CX was always legendary as can be seen by the following. Mum has always been a nervous passenger, not exactly a back seat driver but close, and anything over 30 or 40 got the inevitable "slow down" warning.So a drive from Liverpool to Launceston in Cornwall promised to be a lengthy journey.But the CX surprised me on two counts.We were cruising nicely,as I thought,until I glanced at the speedometer.I'd anticipated we were probably doing about the legal 70; when I saw the actual speed I nearly choked.ThenI asked Dad what speed he thought we were doing. His guess was about the same, roughly 70.I told him to have a look. We were doing 110mph. When we checked on Mum she was sound asleep in the back. It seemed a shame to wake her, so I just eased the speed down to around the legal limit. Just as well, because we drove through a cloudburst a moment later, couldn't see a thing, save the rear fog lights on the car in front. So there we all were,playing trains at 80,all too scared to slow down in case it caused an accident,all desperately maintaining a constant speed.That was a few minutes I wouldn't want to live again.No sir.

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