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Tuesday 4 January 2011

You might have read my burblings about an old Rover I had which was basically a good motor,'til the gearbox let me down.To replace it I got an even older(not possible,surely) Toyota Carina E. The E apparently stands for Europe.Why did Toyota feel it necessary to differentiate european constructed vehicles from Japanese models I ask myself? So they couldn't be accused of producing inferior vehicles? Surely not. I mean, only the non-japanese cars fall apart?
Oh bad luck,sport.You've got a european Toyota.Be that as it may,the neat,very spacious and pretty darned rust free Carina is still going strong after 3 years in my anything but careful hands.Not necessarily event free years but it's surprising how many things you can do without on a car and for it to still be a damn good vehicle.I'll have to tell you about those three years some time but for now the cat's got stuck in the cat flap again;too much turkey.We or it never learns.Now where's the butter?

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